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Looking to expand your vocal styles or range?

Learn how to act a song and bring depth to your performance? Need help mastering your audition technique so that you can book more frequently?


Using techniques from his 15+ year professional career, Omar offers a unique coaching opportunity to any actor or any singer in any style.


*Currently online via Zoom*

Audition Prep

Identifying your character. Script analysis. Acting through a song. Self-tape tips.


30 min/$35

60 min/$60

Vocal Technique & Styling

Identifying your individual sound. Strengthening your foundation in breath support and vocal production Learning how to adapt to different styles, ranging from Classical to rock/pop/ to country to jazz.

60 min/$80

Career Coaching

Developing a strategy for success and longevity in the entertainment industry.


30 min/$35

60 min/$60

For Masterclass pricing and scheduling, 

please contact Omar directly. 

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